Friday, December 27, 2019

How Much Deviation from Religious Doctrine is Acceptable...

Central to any religion is a unified set of beliefs that is shared amongst all its followers. These can range from stories about the origin of the universe or the lives of prophets or other important religious figures to sets of rules governing how you live your daily life. It is these beliefs that define who is a follower of that religion, and deviation from them could result in a person being outcast, persecuted, or even put to death in various areas and time periods. However, these beliefs are by no means universal. Interpretations of religious doctrines may strongly differ even between members of the same religious sect. These issues are very relevant even to non-believers as they have a strong influence on people’s opinions of†¦show more content†¦Christianity can be divided into three main denominations: Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodox. The doctrines of each of these divisions are based on the books of the Old and New Testament. Although their c entral texts are almost exactly the same (a few books are different), their interpretations of them differ greatly. Each asserts that their own interpretation is the only correct one and that all other doctrines are false (this is slightly less true of many protestants, owing to the lack of a central protestant church). Obviously, the most central part of Christian belief is the teachings of Jesus Christ, as described in the four Gospels. In the Book of Mark, believed to be the earliest of the four, it states â€Å"He who believes [the gospel] and is baptized will be saved, but he who disbelieves it will be condemned† (p106). This immediately creates an ideology based entirely on one’s faith rather than reason or even one’s actions. Jesus himself says â€Å"All their sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men†¦ but whosoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit hath never forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin† (Mark p71). This allows a sys tem to be set up which requires above all a rigid belief in a central doctrine, deviation from which is punished by eternal damnation. It is then very easy for the church to present one interpretation which it deems correct and feel justified in enforcing strict adherenceShow MoreRelatedChildren s Rights And Rights1951 Words   |  8 Pagesright to a decent standard of living, the right to health, Children’s rights include individual rights, the right to live with his parents, the right to education, the right to benefit from a protection, Children’s rights include collective rights : rights of refugee and disabled children’s, of minority children or from marginalized groups.For the world to continue we need this population to survive and attain their rights which are also human rights. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An Introduction to Native American Literature - 1015 Words

AN INTRODUCTION TO NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE Native American literatures embrace the memories of creation stories, the tragic wisdom of native ceremonies, trickster narratives, and the outcome of chance and other occurrences in the most diverse cultures in the world. These distinctive literatures, eminent in both oral performances and in the imagination of written narratives, cannot be discovered in reductive social science translations or altogether understood in the historical constructions of culture in one common name. (Vizenor 1) Since the end of the 15th century, the migration of Europeans to America, and their importation of Africans as slaves, has led to centuries of conflict and adjustment between Old and New World societies.†¦show more content†¦But they found the means to engage with their detractors by authoring their own accounts of Indians that challenged stereotypical beliefs, demanded equal political rights, and proved that Indians were neither disappearing nor silent. Native American authors have faithfully presented some of these issues of inherent native rights, the duplicities of federal policies, and the burdens of racial identities in their short stories and novels. Wynema by Sophia Alice Callahan published in 1891, was the first novel attributed to a Native American author. Callahan, who was a mixedblood Creek, was aware of tribal issues at the time and therefore devoted most of her novel to native issues. Since then many novels by distinguished Native American authors have been published. One of the most important writers among Native Americans in the 1930’s was D’Arcy McNickle, a member of the Flathead tribe of Montana. His first novel The Surrounded was published in 1936, two years after the Indian Reorganization Act was passed near the end of the Depression in the United States. His novel is the poignant story of a mix-breed family and the tragedy of their exclusion from both the red and the white worlds. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

ICMS Rooms Division Operations Samples †

Question: Dicsuss about the ICMS Rooms Division Operations. Answer: Introduction Meriton is the largest apartment developer in Australia, and its also a biggest residential home builder of the country, which was introduced in the year 1963. Meriton is mainly involved in selling the apartment, and it also operates as serviced apartments accommodation under the Meriton Suites brand mainly at Gold Coast, Sydney, and Brisbane (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). In the year 2007, it was calculated that the organization was built around 1200 apartments every year. In the year 2010, this figure has enhanced to around 2000 units. It is also estimated that from last 50 years, Meriton apartment has constructed around 65000 residential apartments at Australian east coast. It also provides serviced accommodation in around 17 locations (Andrews, 2013). The different hotels create the part of a portfolio of an organization that helps them in serving the requirements or demand of numerous travellers category (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). Nonetheless, of unit diversity, that can be location or either market area under which it competes, the primary function of the hotel is to offer accommodation for the one who is away from home, and try to provide travellers with their core requirements (Andrews, 2001). Therefore, every hotel unit needs core element of the hotel products that can be divided into two main areas that are food and beverages and sleeping accommodation. In this assignment, the primary focus will be placed on particular operational department, which is Meriton Apartment hotel (Kent st) housekeeping (Andrews, 2001). Regardless of the total size of the property or either the total capacity of bed stock, the key objective related with the housekeeping department is to offer a thorough and quick servicing of public areas and rooms as per high standard and through less inconvenience to the guest (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). Therefore, until that time, there will be machines, which can make beds, replenish hotel bedrooms, service, and public areas. The department of housekeeping will stay as an important service function is a hotel (Andrews, 2001). Due to high components, housekeeping department at Mariton highly relies on the workforce for giving best outputs. Therefore, the primary resource is employees for Mariton apartments (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). A discussion on whether the housekeeping operations at your designated hotel were different or similar compared to what you have learned in class. Whatever I have learned in class is quite similar to the housekeeping operations of Mariton apartments. The day to day operations of the company is predominately measured on the forecasted level of business (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The job of room attendant is primarily assigned individuality by the use ofmanagement information system. It is noted that at Mariton the public area cleaners have also set the fixed work schedules that usually differ as per different shifts. In the unionized environment, it is noted that the collective agreements explain the highest level of output in the eight-hour shifts that goes with the case of room maid, and highest of 16 rooms service that is allocated (Branson Lennox, 1965). Outputs above the quota at Mariton are produced after eight hours, which highly affect the level of cost based efficiency. Whatever taught in the class is quite similar to the housekeeping operations conducted at Mariton apartments. There are many other parameters wh ich encompass are total quality management viewpoint (Branson Lennox, 1965). The firm set up the systematic process of work for bedroom cleaning. This process is mainly designed in such a manner that it created the procedures of standard operations, and explains the required quality levels and also tries to promote the ergonomic practices of work (Brody, 2016). It is differentiated from the class learning that best work practices are mainly communicated by the training and supervision of the process of cleaning, and in case its correctly followed, then it can prevent the repetitive strain or either injury related to manual handling; attain the required level of quality, and ensures the safe material handling (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The expectations of the guest for the quality and kind of intangible services are regularly changed, which later on comes with the regular shifts in the requirement of the customer (Brody, 2016). Hence, for remaining the attractive options towards the customers and competition has gone catalyst for the diversification of department (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). In the present time, the housekeeping department also tries to build coordination for dry cleaning and laundry services, along with staff uniforms, inventories, baby sitting services, floral services, as well as a seasonal display of hotel decoration (Brody, 2016). The efficiency of the daily housekeeping operation for the organization of guest room cleaning. The day to day operations of the housekeeping department conducts a similar type of tasks at the same time of the day. The daily housekeeping services of Mariton apartment are efficient for performing guest room cleaning. Rooms are usually serviced between the 0800 hours till 1700 hours (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The apartment also offers the public area service around 6 hours to around 23 hours. The complete timings are covered providing the person scheduled, which turns towards the duties, and there are massive shifts that are in demand due to the highly unexpected arrival of a group or either delay in the departure due to the cancellation of flight (Fales, 1971). The level of linen inventory is also well stocked over the three par level; therefore, offering the enough linen availability for more days. The emergency situation never arises at Mariton apartment. It might lead towards the evacuation of the hotel or either the housekeeping team members deployment for assisting i n the process of cleaning (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). For the efficiency of the housekeeping, the labour is considered as the most variable source for all the service providers (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The level and activities of the business in the hotel explains the factor as for how the staffs are needed every day. Thats why the housekeeping will make use of business forecast while conducting the working schedules for the apartment (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The highest level of output is attained within right hour day according to the largest number of rooms, which is provided to the team member. An overview of the linen and laundry operations of the hotel and how this contributed to the efficiency or inefficiency of the daily housekeeping operation. All the laundry process is entirely dependent on the machinery usage, such as pressing, washing, and folding machines. The laundry and linen operations of the hotel have highly contributed towards the efficiency as well as the inefficiency of the day to day operations of housekeeping (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). All the outputs and inputs are entirely handled physically through the help of linen keeper. It includes the assurance that the level of par is highly maintained through preventing the stock outage, linen distribution to the quality control and room attendants (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The material required for cleaning amounts to a tiny percentage of the cost within the housekeeping department subsection (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The time required for supplying the service is highly imperative to the customers. The two service levels exist for the same day and next day service. Customers also pay directly for all the rendered services. Even customers are interested in paying the premium for attaining the express service (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The primary union includes 100% recognition in the hotel property. It is noted that the negotiation with the management might have attained the reach at a deadlock, which slowly resulted in the issue of the union as the industrial action device to the management and even strive directive for all the members (Jones Lockwood, 2002). Thats why during the period of persistence of industrial action, including both laundry and cleaning services are paralyzed and therefore, these functions are not needed to get outsourced towards the private contractor, until the time of meeting the conciliation (Jones, 2007). The services related to the linen keeper are usually taken over by thehousekeeping management team members. Therefore, it ensures the control of services and inventories, which are internally monitored (Jrgensen, 1992). Thats why it doesnt include any additional cost in the context of management grade of labor, which is not paid overtime for the extra working hours. Materials and machinery are offered by the contractor, thats why there is little or either no effect in the context of resources. A key consideration is related to the extra cost, which is incurred for paying the contractor (Larice Macdonald, 2013). Nevertheless, the minimization of utility consumption like electricity and water is contributed towards creating a balance between incurred additional costs (Marshall, 2014). Reflection I have learned that forecasting is done when the hotel has low occupancy levels, floors and rooms that are closed and the rooms cleaning might be postponed until the time, the cleaning process is completed (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). The present late booking trend needs to be beneficial for the management of the hotel, to counterpart along with last minute bookings through the closure of every type of room availability (Nikolaos Ilenia, 2016). Though this measure might lead to the loss of revenue, simultaneously it might place limit over the operations burden and safeguard companys reputation (Singh, 2011). I have learned from my experience while working in the hotel industry that workforce can only attain through proper management personnel, which could abandon the rules and highly assist in the housekeeping to maintain the services of housekeeping (Singh, 2011). I have analysed that in the worst scenario, in which industrial action is paralyzing the operations, arrangements should be made for relocating the guest in the hotel vicinity and its the best option available for any hotel (Ivanova, Ivanov Magnini, 2016). I have analysed that as Mariton apartment holds its laundry for the level of the bath as well as bed linen, which is set at three. Stock evaluation is undertaken on a monthly basis for monitoring as well as through control assets as well as the level of reordering (O'Fallon Rutherford, 2011). When the products in the stock come at the highest level then in that case requisition is submitted. Every requisition is channelled by the help of a computerized system of inventory management (Rayner-Canham Rayner-Canham, 2008). References Andrews, S. (2013). Hotel Housekeeping: A Training Manual. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Andrews. (2001). Hotel Housekeeping Training Manual. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Branson, J. C., Lennox, M. (1965). Hotel Housekeeping: Principles and Practice. Edward Arnold Brody, D. (2016). Housekeeping by Design: Hotels and Labor. University of Chicago Press Fales, J. T. (1971). Functional housekeeping in hotels and motels. ITT Educational Services Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., Magnini, V. P. (2016). The Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management. Routledge Jones, P., Lockwood, A. (2002). The Management of Hotel Operations. Cengage Learning EMEA Jones. T. J. A. (2007). Professional Management of Housekeeping Operations. John Wiley Sons Jrgensen, L. B. (1992). North European Textiles Until AD 1000. Aarhus University Press Larice, M., Macdonald, E. (2013). The Urban Design Reader. Routledge Marshall, D. (2014). Buying and Running a Guesthouse or Small Hotel 2nd Edition: How to build a valuable business and enjoy a great lifestyle. Hachette UK Nikolaos, P., Ilenia, B. (2016). Global Dynamics in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality. IGI Global O'Fallon, M. J., Rutherford, D. G. (2011). Hotel Management and Operations. John Wiley Sons Rayner-Canham, M. F., Rayner-Canham, G. (2008). Chemistry was Their Life: Pioneering British Women Chemists, 1880-1949. World Scientific Singh. (2011). HOTEL HOUSEKEEPING. Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Perks Of Being a WallFlower free essay sample

As a freshman in high school, I looked around the hallways and all I could see was one book cover. It had red letters in a girls preppy handwriting that compiled the background and the big black letters that created the title; The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I could not convince myself to pick up the book. It was a cliche, a work of gossip and the media. I did not want to fall into that trap. Finally, I walked into english class one day and the book was placed on each desk. I groaned in agony of the thought of having to read such a stereotypical book, but I complied. Dear Friend, I am writing to you because she said you listen and understand stand†¦ the book started, and continued with please don’t ask who she is because then you might figure out who I am. In that very first line†¦ there are three characters; you, the writer, and she. We will write a custom essay sample on Perks Of Being a WallFlower or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page None of them have a name. They were all a mystery. I kept reading and each word was so black and white, yet such a secret. One by one the characters are revealed and the hardships of high school are highlighted. Charlie, the main character, begins his plight of struggles little by little. He falls in love with his best friend, doesnt understand what love really is, and is abused by love all at the same time. I finished the book in a day. It was glued to my hands at all times, I had to know the next line and the next thought. But I found, as I came out of the enteral place that comes with reading, that I still did not know the answers to all the questions possessed in the book. I kept asking why does bad stuff happen to good people? What are the true Perks to Being a Wallflower? I am infinite Charlie says, that is true. But so are the questions that he caused us.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Camps essays

Camps essays In Russia Bolsheviks established concentration camps for suspected counter revolutionists in 1918. During the 20s, criminals were held in the Northern Special Purpose Camps in the Solovetskie Islands in the White Sea and near Arkhangelsk; while in the 30s and 40s a system of corrective camps were situated in the Soviet Union. These people were arrested in the privacy of their own home and then taken to these camps. During Stalins reign, he initiated something very similar to the holocaust on the entire professional and educated population. These special people were then deported to forced labor camps in Siberia along with more than one million seven hundred innocent civilians of Poland. These people included farmers, Volga Germans populations deported from Polish and Baltic territories, Axis prisoners of war and Russians returning from German captivity. They were victims of arrest and werent killed on the spot, but were then transported to a prison camp (one that was called Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON). They realized that the prisoners could be used for labor at practically no cost to the state. These workers required no pay, and suffered sub-standard living conditions. They were forced to work until they passed out of exhaustion or would just die. As in the case of Ivan Shukov, he was working 15-hour shifts on little food, wasnt getting paid and was in awful living condition s. He would almost freeze to death every night. Camps were usually in isolated areas, many in the vast expanses of Siberia, where the climate and the land were brutal. This is clearly depicted in Ivan, especially when he is outside and you can actually feel how cold he is. After Stalins death in 1953, many inmates were released and the camps continued on a smaller scale. This was a difficult time for these people. These prisoners didnt deserve to be through all that hard workin...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Morality and ethics Essays - Taxation In The United States

Morality and ethics Essays - Taxation In The United States (Word Count:585) Based on the fact that most people tend to cheat a bit when they see the marginal cost of doing something wrong just this once always seems low, it might seem hard to change the behavior of cheating in the case of IRS. Surprisingly, people tend to pay their taxes at much higher rates than they should. There are many factors that leads to high tax compliance. Just thinking about morality shrinks our fudge factor could make us more honest. Despite Morality training usually will result in no beneficial long-term effect, reminding people of morality and ethics just before being tempted could dramatically make a difference to reduce or even prevent the chances of cheating. IRS uses this technique to warn taxpayers to think about ethics and morality. Deterrence threats and civic norms can also effectively raise tax compliance. The government deter citizens into paying taxes usually by the threat of a nonymous ways such as audits, fines, and legal prosecution. The model of rational crime can be applied in the case of IRS as well. We often rationalize things very quickly to determine the cost and benefit before implementing an action. Since the cost of cheating in this case will result in negative self-image and will even lead to sentence to jail, the benefit of actually being honest and pay the actual amount of tax seems a lot better thus peopl e choose not to cheat. Social norms can also influence taxpayers by emphasizing the importance of voluntary compliance. By reminding taxpayers to be good citizens of the nation, we can improve taxpayers sense of civic duty and improve their morality. This technique is similar to the example in class of recalling the ten commandments before cheating. The rate of cheating falls to zero after they answer the question about the ten commandments regardless of their performance. Also, by providing data for the result of cheating could also lead to cheat reduction. Because one aspect of cheating is related to the surrounding environment. If one taxpayer sees other taxpayers cheat on their tax reports, chances are the rate of cheating will dramatically increase, because the marginal cost of cheating seems low when everyone around cheats and because everyone cheats, the taxpayer will not think about self-image and self-esteem. The IRS could further increase their taxpayers compliance by asking the taxpayers question in the beginning of the form like would you like to give ten dollars to the organization to fight for corruption?. By doing this will not violate the double signature policy and will actually help taxpayers to think more rational and reduce the rate of cheating. If people commit money toward something, a good chance that later on, they will continue acting in a more appropriate and honest behavior and thus lead to an increase in taxpayers compliance. Another way that IRS could increase taxpayers compliance can be done by improve government performance. If citizens cheat a lot on their tax reports, that might also indicate that the government is corrupted. Chinese government is an perfect example of how corrupted government can lead to taxpayers to cheat. Misuse of money and resources will lose peoples faith in the government. generally, citizens are more willingly to pay the correct taxes if th e government delivers good services and welfare in return. Studies suggest that a countrys government corruptness is linearly correlated with citizens rate of cheating. Overall, the key to reduce cheating is to always keep in mind that morality is what makes people succeed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Metrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Metrics - Essay Example Some management systems can also be in place to offer effective and secure network, which is the backbone to any organization (Carter, Ulrich & Goldsmith, 2005). Effective achievement of organizational goals and strategies needs proper network management systems. In a bid to understand efficient and effectiveness in the network management systems, some factors are in consideration in the name of metrics. Metrics directly affects the bottom line of organizational management. There is no single metric which can be solely applicable in assessing the effectiveness of the management group hence the combination of several metrics is applicable. These metrics can undergo common review to gauge the overall effectiveness in the process of organizational goals achievement. Some common metrics in the line of organizational goals tracking includes complexity metrics for operational tasks, business impacts tracking metrics, and scale metrics (Nof, 1994). Network models are prone to change because of implementation of various applications and network technologies. The main network goal is to reap maximum efficiency. In order to achieve the required effectiveness, various metrics must be in place. The metrics in application also undergo timely review for the overall network efficiency (Hayden, 2010). Network assessment and the immediate impact in the running of the organization towards goal achievement is an important factor worth considering. Network availability, reliability and other impacts on organizational services and revenues depend on management metrics for direct tracking. Responsiveness in the process of network utilization also functions as an important metrics in gauging network performance in a given organization. In overall perspective, network management metrics can be easily broken down into three main sections, which comprises of cost, classic and