Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Camps essays

Camps essays In Russia Bolsheviks established concentration camps for suspected counter revolutionists in 1918. During the 20s, criminals were held in the Northern Special Purpose Camps in the Solovetskie Islands in the White Sea and near Arkhangelsk; while in the 30s and 40s a system of corrective camps were situated in the Soviet Union. These people were arrested in the privacy of their own home and then taken to these camps. During Stalins reign, he initiated something very similar to the holocaust on the entire professional and educated population. These special people were then deported to forced labor camps in Siberia along with more than one million seven hundred innocent civilians of Poland. These people included farmers, Volga Germans populations deported from Polish and Baltic territories, Axis prisoners of war and Russians returning from German captivity. They were victims of arrest and werent killed on the spot, but were then transported to a prison camp (one that was called Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON). They realized that the prisoners could be used for labor at practically no cost to the state. These workers required no pay, and suffered sub-standard living conditions. They were forced to work until they passed out of exhaustion or would just die. As in the case of Ivan Shukov, he was working 15-hour shifts on little food, wasnt getting paid and was in awful living condition s. He would almost freeze to death every night. Camps were usually in isolated areas, many in the vast expanses of Siberia, where the climate and the land were brutal. This is clearly depicted in Ivan, especially when he is outside and you can actually feel how cold he is. After Stalins death in 1953, many inmates were released and the camps continued on a smaller scale. This was a difficult time for these people. These prisoners didnt deserve to be through all that hard workin...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Morality and ethics Essays - Taxation In The United States

Morality and ethics Essays - Taxation In The United States (Word Count:585) Based on the fact that most people tend to cheat a bit when they see the marginal cost of doing something wrong just this once always seems low, it might seem hard to change the behavior of cheating in the case of IRS. Surprisingly, people tend to pay their taxes at much higher rates than they should. There are many factors that leads to high tax compliance. Just thinking about morality shrinks our fudge factor could make us more honest. Despite Morality training usually will result in no beneficial long-term effect, reminding people of morality and ethics just before being tempted could dramatically make a difference to reduce or even prevent the chances of cheating. IRS uses this technique to warn taxpayers to think about ethics and morality. Deterrence threats and civic norms can also effectively raise tax compliance. The government deter citizens into paying taxes usually by the threat of a nonymous ways such as audits, fines, and legal prosecution. The model of rational crime can be applied in the case of IRS as well. We often rationalize things very quickly to determine the cost and benefit before implementing an action. Since the cost of cheating in this case will result in negative self-image and will even lead to sentence to jail, the benefit of actually being honest and pay the actual amount of tax seems a lot better thus peopl e choose not to cheat. Social norms can also influence taxpayers by emphasizing the importance of voluntary compliance. By reminding taxpayers to be good citizens of the nation, we can improve taxpayers sense of civic duty and improve their morality. This technique is similar to the example in class of recalling the ten commandments before cheating. The rate of cheating falls to zero after they answer the question about the ten commandments regardless of their performance. Also, by providing data for the result of cheating could also lead to cheat reduction. Because one aspect of cheating is related to the surrounding environment. If one taxpayer sees other taxpayers cheat on their tax reports, chances are the rate of cheating will dramatically increase, because the marginal cost of cheating seems low when everyone around cheats and because everyone cheats, the taxpayer will not think about self-image and self-esteem. The IRS could further increase their taxpayers compliance by asking the taxpayers question in the beginning of the form like would you like to give ten dollars to the organization to fight for corruption?. By doing this will not violate the double signature policy and will actually help taxpayers to think more rational and reduce the rate of cheating. If people commit money toward something, a good chance that later on, they will continue acting in a more appropriate and honest behavior and thus lead to an increase in taxpayers compliance. Another way that IRS could increase taxpayers compliance can be done by improve government performance. If citizens cheat a lot on their tax reports, that might also indicate that the government is corrupted. Chinese government is an perfect example of how corrupted government can lead to taxpayers to cheat. Misuse of money and resources will lose peoples faith in the government. generally, citizens are more willingly to pay the correct taxes if th e government delivers good services and welfare in return. Studies suggest that a countrys government corruptness is linearly correlated with citizens rate of cheating. Overall, the key to reduce cheating is to always keep in mind that morality is what makes people succeed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Metrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Metrics - Essay Example Some management systems can also be in place to offer effective and secure network, which is the backbone to any organization (Carter, Ulrich & Goldsmith, 2005). Effective achievement of organizational goals and strategies needs proper network management systems. In a bid to understand efficient and effectiveness in the network management systems, some factors are in consideration in the name of metrics. Metrics directly affects the bottom line of organizational management. There is no single metric which can be solely applicable in assessing the effectiveness of the management group hence the combination of several metrics is applicable. These metrics can undergo common review to gauge the overall effectiveness in the process of organizational goals achievement. Some common metrics in the line of organizational goals tracking includes complexity metrics for operational tasks, business impacts tracking metrics, and scale metrics (Nof, 1994). Network models are prone to change because of implementation of various applications and network technologies. The main network goal is to reap maximum efficiency. In order to achieve the required effectiveness, various metrics must be in place. The metrics in application also undergo timely review for the overall network efficiency (Hayden, 2010). Network assessment and the immediate impact in the running of the organization towards goal achievement is an important factor worth considering. Network availability, reliability and other impacts on organizational services and revenues depend on management metrics for direct tracking. Responsiveness in the process of network utilization also functions as an important metrics in gauging network performance in a given organization. In overall perspective, network management metrics can be easily broken down into three main sections, which comprises of cost, classic and