Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay On The Black Death - 1909 Words

The Black Death: Accurate or Inaccurate? â€Å"The Black Death† is a pretty historically accurate movie. The costumes in the movie, the plot of the movie, the cause of the Black Death, how the Black Death spread, how to cure the Black Death, what the Black Death looked like, some of the sets in the movie, and the origin of the Black Death were all depicted extremely accurately. However, some of the sets in â€Å"The Black Death† were not completely accurate. The movie â€Å"The Black Death† gives the viewer a great deal of accurate information about the Black Plague; however, there are a few historical inaccuracies as well. The black death was a disease triggered by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. Yersinia pestis is a bacterium transmitted by rodents,†¦show more content†¦A knight, named Ulric, comes to the monastery that Osmund is at, and he is in search of someone to lead him and his group of soldiers, including Wolfstan, Mold, Abbot, Swire, and Dalywag, to a secluded village where everyone has renounced from God. This village was a place that was safe from the plague, and there are speculations that there is a necromancer there that is bringing plague victims back from the dead. Osmond volunteers to lead Ulric and his group to the village in hopes of finding a girl named Averill, who he was secretly dating. One of the monks told Osmund not to go, but he decided that this is what God was calling him to do. Along the way, he discovers that Averill died in the forest. Shortly after Osmund and the group of soldier arrive at the village, Osmund meets a woman, named Langiva, who dresses his wounds. Langiva later tells Osmund that they found Averill in the woods, and then she shows Osmund her body. Afterwards, Langiva brings Averill back to life in front of Osmund. Then, as Langiva is trying to force Osmund to renounce his faith, Osmund kills Averill because he thinks that she a demon brought her back to life, and she deserves to be with God. Later, he finds out that Langiva never brought Averill back to life and that she was never dead. Langiva only drugged Averill and made it appear as though she was dead. When Osmund discovered that he had killed Averill, he became cold-hearted, left the monastery, and became a knight that set outShow MoreRelated Black Death Essays1319 Words   |  6 Pages The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, or the Bubonic Plague killed one third of the population of Europe during its reign in the 13th and 14th centuries. The arrival of this plague set the scene for years of strife and heroism. Leaving the social and Economic aspect in a standstill. The phantom of death became a subject of art, music and folklore and it influenced the consciousness of the people. The impact of this mass killer caused enormous chaos and havoc to the medieval society becauseRead MoreThe Black Death Essay1018 Words   |  5 PagesThe Black Death took place in Europe during the fourteenth century. To the people of the time, facts about the disease were unknown until people started to notice problems that other people were having. The Black Death or â€Å"plague† that killed thousands in the fourteenth century may have evolved into a more modern version of itself. The â€Å"plague† is known as the â€Å"Yersinia pestis† bacteria, which is a rare zoonotic disease. These diseases are spread from animal to human (Newquist 239, Adamloakun MRead MoreEssay On The Black Death924 Words   |  4 Pagesknow precisely what was causing the Black Death to transpire, they also did not know how to cure it. In â€Å"The Black Death†, many thought that they needed to be sin free or that God needed to forgive them for their sins. This was true for people who resided in England during the time of the Black Death as well. Because they believed that the Black Death was God’s punishment, the only way to cure them of the plague was through God’s forgiveness. The article â€Å"Black Death† states, â€Å"By this logic, the onlyRead MoreEssay On The Black Death901 Words   |  4 PagesIn the middle of the fourteenth century, European experienced a disease called Black Death, which killed millions of people in six years. By spreading quickly, this disease affected not only on people’s lives but also on economic of many countries, especially those countries in Europe. Therefore, people found out some cures to end this nightmare disease. Ole J. Benedictow. â€Å"The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever†. Published in History Today Volume 55 Issue 3 March 2005 Read MoreBlack Death Essay779 Words   |  4 PagesThe Black Death of 1347-1350 had one of the most dominate impacts on Latin Christendom and Islamic Worlds. The pandemic would have an economic, political and demographic change of these worlds for the next three centuries. These area’s impacted were already deeming an economic downfall. With the abrupt change of climate, the agricultural revenues were already suffering. The climate change had impacted mostly the poor people of these countries. The Black Death wasn’t having mercy on anyone that wasRead MoreThe Black Death Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pagessong little children sing while holding hands, walking around in a circle and then falling down. The nursery rhyme refers to the Black Death, one of the worst plagues of all time (Schladweller). Known as infectious diseases that spread quickly and kill countless people, plagues have had a tremendous affect on people around the world since the beginning of time. Th e Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, is a contagious bacterial infection that has killed millions of people. With the bubonic plagueRead MoreThe Black Death. Essay936 Words   |  4 Pagesyou to a slow miserable death. In the 1300s people were struck with a great plague, which has now been named â€Å"The Black Death†. The Black Death killed off populations with just one sweep. Historians call this the biggest tragedy of all time. The question is what caused this plague and how does something like this happen? Overtime historians have boiled it down to 2 and some may say 3 explanations, which are religion, science, and humans. With the help of a book The Black Death by Rosemary Horrox I wasRead MoreBlack Death Essay1007 Words   |  5 Pageswas too bright to stand. Within a day or two, the swellings appeared. They were hard, painful, burning lumps on their neck, under their arms, on their inner thighs. Soon they turned black, split open, and began to ooze pus a nd blood. They may have grown to the size of an orange. These are the symptoms of the Black Death, one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. It is widely thought to have been an outbreak of bubonic plague, and during thoseRead More Black Death Essay1184 Words   |  5 Pages Black Death, outbreak of bubonic plague that struck Europe and the Mediterranean area from 1347 through 1351. It was the first of a cycle of European plague epidemics that continued until the early 18th century. A cycle of ancient plagues had preceded these plagues between the 6th and 8th centuries AD; another cycle of modern followed them, but less deadly, plagues that began in the late 19th century and continue in the 20th century. The term quot;Black Deathquot; was not used to refer to theRead MoreEssay on The Black Death1474 Words   |  6 PagesThe Black Death was an extensive epidemic that spread across Europe from 1346 to 1353, killing over an est imated one-third of Europe’s entire population (Medieval World 56). Although historians are not entirely sure of its origin, the Black Death spread quickly across both Europe and Asia with a death toll that augmented rapidly. The plague also had unusual and deadly symptoms, causing â€Å"panic everywhere, with men and women knowing no way to stop death except to flee from it† (Kohn 28). The chaos

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